Bugout Bag
I'm in the process of making a video of my Bug Out Bag contents. Until then, these are the contents of the well-organized Bug Out Bag of one of the people I met from the Survivalist Boards, Jason Hadley. The list has been divided according to the items in each zipper and zip-off pocket of the bag and its accessories.
[or, better still, as one reader suggests, "if you really want to go incognito, get a hiking BOB in a non-military color; sew on a a patch or two (Greenpeace, PETA, Canadian Flag) and you are now transformed from a wolf to a sheep."]
Food Bag- Mess Kit
- 3 self-packed bricks of food, approximately 4-5 days for one person, each with two MRE's, and assorted jerky's, candy bars, additional foil-packed tuna/spam, energy bars, soonest rotation is late 2011.
- Dead space is filed with assortment of cold brew ice teas, sugar packets, splenda, fast food condiments (ketchup, mustard, honey, taco sauce, salt, pepper, hot sauce), bouillon cubes (chicken and vegetable), about five feet of aluminum foil folded.
- Trash bags
- Votive Candles
- Deck of cards
- Ziplock bags
- space blanket
- Solar/crank-powered radio/flashlight
- Feminine bag
- -Contents: lipstick, nail care kit, lotion, pumice stone Bag of water flavoring, juice, punch, coffee, and some onion soup mixes to spice up gamey wild-caught animals
- Can of athlete foot spray
- 60 multi-vitamins
- 100 vitamin c
- Insect repellant
- Sun block
- Camp suds
- Gold bond powder
- Package anti-bacterial wipes
- Tooth brush
- Tooth paste
- Travel-size bar of dial soap
- Travel-size purell
- Travel-size q-tips
- Travel-size deodorant
- 4 disposable razors
- Condensed beach towel
- 2 Condensed hand towels
- Camping utensil set
- Six-pack of tube socks
- Folding saw
- Multi-head screwdriver
- Pliers
- Electrical tape
- Nails
- Needle-nosed pliers
- Crescent wrench
- Book: combat skills of the fighting soldier
- Field shovel/pick
- Hammer/hatchet/pry bar
- Sewing kit
- Vegetable seeds
- Emergency whistle
- Waterproof matches
- Fire paste
- 50 feet rope
- Cable ties
- Extra batteries (AA and AAA)
- Magnesium block/flint
- Trip/snare wire
- 2-man tent strapped to top
- Emergency Bivvy bag
- Book: survival, with updates
- Book: Counter mobility
- Book: booby traps
- Book: field sanitation
- Signal mirror
- Signal fireworks/flares
- Compass
- Whet stone
- Coffee
- 80 Tampons (OB for increased carry)
- Lighters
- Rolling tobacco
- Toilet paper
- 2 bottles water purification tabs
- Anti-diarrhea tabs
- Gold/Silver coins
- $200 in small bills
- 2 rain ponchos
- Toilet paper
- 250 ml Clorox bleach (purifies btwn 40-60 gallons depending on cloudiness)
- 6 Power bar snacks
- Dog treats
- Notepad
- Pens
- Intruder detection kit (eye screws, tops of party poppers-freaking loud w/o the body)
- Copies of passport, drivers license, and other personal documents
- Gun cleaning kit
- Survival knife
- Binoculars
- 12 ga shot shell holder (12 rounds)
- Dust masks
- Eye goggles
- Marking chalk
- Gas shut-off tool
- Head lamp
- 2 canteens, each with water purification tablet bottle
- First aid kit (dressings/band-aids, field surgical kit, latex gloves, waterproof tape, snakebite kit, dental tools, analgesics, first aid army field manual, sunscreen, anti-diarrhea, trauma pads, space blanket, medical scissors, etc.)
- Work gloves
- Power bars
For a visual reference, here's a video example of Bug Out Bag options and practicalities: