(Note: Though, generally, only one source is listed for each item, for most facts and reporting, more than one source was used. In other cases, additional sources were found to back up information provided by characters in the book. Also note that these end notes were compiled after the writing of the book at the request of early readers, so may not necessarily be the actual sources originally used for reference in the book.)
Page: viii
Fact: "Donald Booth, who died when a block of ice fell and hit his head"
Source: "Injuries From Falling Ice Give Chicagoans Heads-Up." Dec. 15, 2000. Los Angeles Times. http://articles.latimes.com/2000/dec/15/news/mn-418
Page: 20
Fact: Sacramento militia group, Southeastern States Alliance
Source: "Targets of Opportunity" by Sam Stanton and Gary Delsohn, http://www.nci.org/c/c122399.htm; "Letter - Inadequate Protection of Nuclear Power Reactors Against Millennial Terrorist Attack", http://www.nci.org/c/c122399.htm
Page: 20
Fact: Children's conception of death
Source: "Death - The Development of a Concept of Death"
Page: 21-22
Fact: Society of St. Pius X, William Cooper, Tom Chittum, Black Israelites
Source: "Radical Powerhouse," "‘With God and our Gun,'" "Thomas Chittum, Author Profile and Articles Archive"
Page: 22
Fact: Thomas Chase and y2k bug
Source: "42 failed end of the world predictions for 2000"
Page: 26
Fact: Clinton warns of biological, chemical attacks
Source: "President Bill Clinton Speaks to the Naval Academy at Annapolis"
Page: 26-27
Fact: Gary North's research on y2k
Source: "Gary North Y2K Interview"
Page: 29
Fact: Francis Fukuyama quote
Source: "The End of History?" http://www.wesjones.com/eoh.htm
Page: 34
Fact: Christopher Columbus quote
Source: John Boyd Thatcher, Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Works, His Remains: As Revealed by Original Painted and Manuscript Records, Together with an Essay on Peter Martyr of Anghera and Bartolomé de Las Casas, The First Historians of America. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1904. p.662. Also in The Book of Prophecies Edited by Christopher Columbus, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1997.
Page: 35
Fact: CNN poll on belief in Book of Revelations
Source: "Poll: For Christians' identity, it's faith first, U.S. second"
Page: 37
Fact: Philip Gourevitch quote
Source: We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. Macmillan, 1999. p.115.
Page: 54
Fact: Norman Angell quote
Source: The Great Illusion. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1910.
Page: 57
Fact: Chalmers Johnson quote
Source: Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire. Macmillan, 2004. p.217.
Page: 68
Fact: Evac-U8 smoke hood recall
Source: "CPSC, Brookdale International Systems Inc. Announce Recall of Emergency Escape Smoke Hoods" http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml02/02178.html
Page: 77
Fact: New Zealand immigration service data
Source: "Voters Want Out" November 9, 2004. The Telegraph.
Page: 79
Fact: Jacques Attali on human beings and technology
Source: Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order. Times Books, 1992.
Page: 93
Fact: Palestinians attacking Taybeh in West Bank
Source: "‘Honour' and not religious hatred behind the attack against Christians in Taybeh" http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=4099
Page: 101-103
Fact: Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Source: "Neuropreservation FAQ"
Page: 104
Fact: LBJ in The Fog of War documentary
Source: "The Fog of War" http://www.documentaryfilms.net/Reviews/FogofWar/
Page: 106
Fact: Costa Rica citizenship requires seven years of residency
Source: "Costa Rica." http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2019.htm
Page: 113
Fact: Ernest Becker on immortality.
Source: The Denial of Death. Simon and Schuster, 1997.
Page: 115
Fact: Austrian citizenship for economic investment
Source: "Austrian Citizenship." http://www.bmeia.gv.at/index.php?id=68585&L=1
Page: 115
Fact: Walton family bunker and helipad
Source: High Cost of Low Price. Robert Greenwald. 2005 Brave New Films. http://www.walmartmovie.com/ Companion book by Greg Spotts and Robert Greenwald. The Disinformation Company, 2005.
Page: 120
Fact: North Korea threatens to "mercilessly" retaliate against UN sanctions
Source: "North Korea threatens ‘merciless' retaliation against sanctions." Jul. 2, 2003. The Daily Times. http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_2-7-2003_pg4_1
Page: 121-122
Fact: Paul Kennedy quotes
Source: The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Random House, 1987. p. xvi, xxiii, 49, 115
Page: 122
Fact: Hegel quote
Source: "Hegel's Philosophy of History"
Page: 123
Fact: Tombstone ID
Source: Seeing Through the Scams: The fight against fraud. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/gazette/vol70n1/gazette-vol70n1-eng.pdf
Page: 133-137
Fact: Harry Schultz and PT
Source: "What is PT?" http://www.ptclub.com/whatispt.html
Page: 135-136
Fact: W.G. Hill quotes
Source: PT. Scope, 1992.
Page: 139
Fact: Billionaires expatriating to avoid paying taxes
Source: "The New Refugees: Americans who give up citizenship to save on taxes." http://www.escapeartist.com/library/article7.htm
Page: 139
Fact: Banks report transactions larger than $10,000 to US government
Source: "Will the Bank Report Transactions over $10,000 to the IRS?"
Page: 140
Fact: Panamanian investor visa and instant residency
Source: "Visas and Residency in Panama"
Page: 141
Fact: St. Kitts sugarcane industry collapse
Source: "Island essence dissolves with sugar." Jan. 9, 2006. BBC News.
Page: 141-142
Fact: St. Kitts health and education data
Source: "St. Kitts Key Facts."
Page: 142
Facts: Swiss banks withholding gold deposits from WWII refugees and their families
Sources: "In Lawsuit Against Swiss Banks, A Hope to Do Justice to a Father's Memory." Nov. 12, 1996. New York Times.
Page: 145
Fact: Jeffrey Robinson on money laundering
Source: The Laundrymen: Inside Money Laundering, The World's Third-Largest Business. Arcade Publishing, Inc. 1997.
Page: 148-149
Fact: Grandpa's advice on Internet security
Source: Bye Bye Big Brother. Vera Verba, Inc. 2005.
Page: 155
Fact: Military Commissions Act, John Warner Defense Authorization Act
Source: "Fact Sheet: Military Commissions Act," "H.R. 5122: John Warner Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007"
Page: 157
Fact: Russian plan to launch nuclear missiles at U.S. cities following Cuban invasion
Source: Schlesinger, Jr., Arthur M. A Thousand Days. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965. p.796.
Page: 157
Fact: Robert F. Kennedy quote
Source: Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis. W.W. Norton, 1969. p.35, 48.
Page: 160
Fact: Bruce Clayton on survivalism
Source: Life After Doomsday: A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and Other Major Disasters. Paladin Press, 1980.
Page: 160
Fact: Social proof
Source: Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Collins, 1998.
Page: 168
Fact: St. Kitts and Nevis membership in the British Commonwealth
Source: "Commonwealth of Nations"
Page: 174
Fact: Andrei Tarkovsky quote
Source: Stalker. "Stalker (1979)" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079944/
Page: 177
Fact: Lack of healthcare in US leads to 18,000 deaths per year
Source: "Health Care? Ask Cuba"
Page: 181
Fact: Securities Exchange Commission registration of foreign banks
Source: "The Laws That Govern The Securities Industry"
Page: 192
Fact: Harry Browne, Don Stephens, Kurt Saxon, and rise of the survivalist movement
Source: "About Harry Browne," "The U.S. Is Terminal," "Survivalism"
Page: 192-193
Fact: Mel Tappan quote
Source: Mel Tappan, Tappan on Survival, Paladin Press, 2006
Page: 196-197
Fact: The Survivalist, The Compleat Housewife, The Poor Man's James Bond
Source: The Survivalist. Ahern, Jerry. Chivers Press, 1984. The Compleat Housewife, or Accomplished gentlewoman's companion. E. Smith. J. and J. Pemberton, 1739. The Poor Man's James Bond. Saxon, Kurt. Desert Publications, 1992.
Page: 197
Fact: Lindbergh meeting Hermann Göring in the 1930s
Source: Leonard Moseley, "Lindbergh: A Biography," Dover, 2000.
Page: 205-206
Fact: 66% of all sports-related injuries to female high school and college students come from cheerleading pyramids
Source: "Cheerleading Causes Majority of Female Athlete Injuries"
Page: 210
Fact: 25,000 Berettas ordered for the US military in 2008
Source: "United States Army Launches New Year with Purchase of 25,403 US Made Beretta M9 Pistols," Beretta Press Release, Jan. 17, 2008.
Page: 225
Fact: James Moore added to the no-fly list
Source: "Bush's Brain - A Documentary About Karl Rove"
Page: 229
Fact: Gavin de Becker on "logic brain" and "wild brain"
Source: Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear. Little, Brown, and Company, 2002.
Page: 229
Fact: Dave Grossman on fight-or-flight reactions
Source: On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and Peace. PPCT Research Publications, 2007.
Page: 232-233
Fact: CERT program, LAFD, and expansion through FEMA
Source: "About CERT," http://www.citizencorps.gov/cert/about.shtm
Page: 235
Fact: Bruce Clayton on the "three-day test"
Source: Bruce Clayton, "Life After Terrorism: What You Need to Know to Survive in Today's World," Paladin Press, 202
Page: 252
Fact: Tom Brown, Jr.; Tracker School, and The Tracker
Source: "Tom Brown, Jr.'s Tracker School"
Page: 253
Fact: Deer ticks and Lyme disease
Source: "Lyme Disease" http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hd/westnile/wnvlyme.htm
Page: 271
Fact: Mayan calendar predicts end of the world on December 21, 2012
Source: "December 21, 2012, The Official Website for 122112 Information"
Page: 273
Fact: Mad Dog
Source: "Mag Dog Knives" http://www.maddogknives.net/
Page: 273
Fact: Cody Lundin, Louis Awerbuck, Chuck Taylor, Hans Lang, and Timothy McVeigh at Prescott, Arizona
Source: "Cody Lundin, Survival Expert," "Yavapai Firearms Academy," "Chuck Taylor/ASAA Handgun Classes," "Vang Comp Systems," "McVeigh factor destroys militias" http://www.beyondtheordinary.net/codylundin.shtml
Page: 277
Fact: TSA prohibits box cutters, lighters, pool cues, and snow globes on planes
Source: "TSA: Prohibited Items"
Page: 291
Fact: Gabrielino National Recreation Trail
Source: "Arroyo Seco Foundation" http://www.arroyoseco.org/index.htm
Page: 295
Fact: Stuffing leaves into clothing to enhance insulation; homeless use of newspapers for preserving body heat
Source: Elpel, Thomas J. Primitive Living, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills: A Field Guide to Primitive Living Skills. Globe Pequot, 2003. p.32.
Page: 302
Fact: Christopher Nyerges, School of Self-Reliance
Source: "School of Self-reliance" http://www.self-reliance.net/
Page: 303
Fact: Deadliness of hemlock along the Arroyo Seco trail
Source: "Arroyo News" http://www.arroyoseco.org/newsfull.php?artic=537
Page: 306
Fact: Viktor Frankl quote
Source: Man's Search for Meaning. Beacon Press, 1959.
Page: 307
Fact: John Doerr
Source: "2007 May - Future Boy" http://futureboy.blogs.fsb.cnn.com/2007/05/. Also http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/john_doerr_sees_salvation_and_profit_in_greentech.html
Page: 312
Fact: Commonweal Garden
Source: "Commonweal Garden - Regenerative Design Institute"
Page: 313
Fact: The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On
Source: "The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On," directed by Kenzo Okazaki, 1988.
Page: 316
Fact: Urban Escape and Evasion course
Source: "onPoint Tactical LLC - Scout" http://onpointtactical.com
Page: 319-320
Fact: James Wesley Rawles on survivalists and teamwork in the future
Source: Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse. Huntington House, 1998.
Page: 327
Fact: Krav Maga center in Los Angeles
Source: "Krav Maga - Los Angeles Self-Defense"
Page: 359-362
Fact: National Incident Management System
Source: "FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency"
Page: 359-362
Fact: High School Drop Out Rate
Source: http://www.americaspromise.org/APAPage.aspx?id=10354
Page: 368
Fact: Leonard Cohen's Zen aphorism
Source: Hakunin. Shaw, R.D.W. The Embossed Tea Kettle: Orate Gama and Other Works of Hakunin Zenji, the Zen Reformer of the Eighteenth Century in Japan. Allen and Unwin, 1963.
Page: 371-375
Fact: EMT techniques
Source: "Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Ninth Edition: Home," American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Jones and Bartlett, 2006.
Page: 374-375
Fact: Accidental Deaths
Source: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Page: 377
Fact: 77.8 years is the average American lifespan
Source: "American's Life Expectancy Climbs to Nearly 78 Years," by Mike Stobbe, Associated Press, Sept. 14, 2007
Page: 379-383
Fact: California Emergency Mobile Patrol (CEMP)
Source: "CEMP - Search and Rescue, LAPD" http://www.cemp.org/
Page: 385
Fact: Cheri Huber on dealing with fear
Source: The Fear Book: Facing Fear Once and For All. Keep It Simple Books, 1995.
Page: 394-401
Fact: Metrolink commuter train wreck in Chatsworth
Source: "Chatsworth Train Crash Information"
Page: 409
Fact: Larry Harmon, Bozo the Clown
Source: "Larry Harmon, 83; entrepreneur made Bozo the Clown a star." Jul. 4, 2008. Los Angeles Times.
