The 4-Hour Chef: Sample Dish

Neil StraussNeil

Quick morsel for you today…

Recently, one of my smart friends, Tim Ferriss, released another book: The 4-Hour Chef. You might have heard of him. He’s the author of The 4-Hour Workweek and or The 4-Hour Body. And over the years we’ve grown close.

So why would a book on cooking appeal to us? Well, because it’s not a book on cooking. In fact, one-third of the book is about SURVIVAL, and it’s highly recommended for Emergency readers (not least because the book includes my “best beef jerky in the world” recipe).

It’s also a book about LEARNING, and includes some of the great mnemonic and other brain-hacking techniques I often talk about. In fact, I tried to talk Tim into breaking it up into two books:
The Four Hour Chef and The Four Hour Mind. But, Tim being Tim, it’s now a 670-page opus packed with so much incredible knowledge and information you’ll HAVE to use his learning tactics to even
grok all of it.

I think a zillion of you have it already. But for those who don’t, I asked Tim to explain, and he said he’d send over a sample chapter for you all to read. I asked him to make it on about Survival for Emergency readers, so here it is.

Survival Gear Excerpt