Meet the Backcountry Boiler by Devin Montgomery. It’s a simple way to boil water while out in the woods. Best of all, it uses a fuel that is abundant and free–wood or any found fuel.
A blur from the inventor:
Over the past few years, I’ve spent a lot of time developing the Backcountry Boiler and here’s why: it represents an utterly sensible way to make hot meals and drinks in the outdoors. As opposed to complicated contraptions that run on fossil fuels, it’s simple, light, and operates on the fuels we find around us every day: paper, cardboard, pine cones, sticks. It also brings back the joy of a natural fire in a way that is much more responsible than having an open campfire.
Another cool thing about the Backcountry Boiler is that it is a Kicker Starter project. For those unfamiliar with Kick Starter, it’s a really cool way to get those brilliant ideas for a gadget, gizmo, or widget off the ground. In their own words, “We’re the world’s largets funding platform for creative projects.” You put up your idea and people on the site pledge money for the project. When you get to the needed goal your golden. For more info checkout their FAQ page.
Best of luck, Devin. Although from the pledges, doesn’t look like you’ll need it!
Visit the Backcountry Boiler Kick Starter Page.