often refer to everyone else as Sheeple. For the uninitiated Sheeple–a portmanteau of “sheep” and “people”–are the unaware and unprepared. Sheeple follow along blindly.
But can you be a survivalist and still be Sheeple?
Answer: Yes.
Here’s why…
In Information Junky I wrote on the topic of endlessly consuming information without application. But there is another step: asking why.
Better still, there are many more questions. And if we do not ask questions from simple to tough are we only following?
There are countless survival books, blogs, and videos. “Experts” spew forth information. They offer tips, how tos, and options. We often take these morsels as gospel without question.
Whether we are talking about PUA, Survival, or really anything for that matter, we want simple answers. What I’ve learned over the last few years is that the answer is often ‘it depends’.
Mostly, it’s all guidelines…
The simple answers feel as if they’re filling a void quickly. When in fact they are misdirecting us from the void and can actually deepen the void.
Say for example someone asks me what he or she needs to do to prepare. The simple answer is: Get a Bug Out Bag, have at least 3 months of food and water, fill your survival battery with the four crucial firearms (handgun, rifle, shotgun, and .22), get the best knife you can afford, have a Bug Out Location, and have three ways to get there. I’ll stop there or we’ll be here till Armageddon.
It’s a good list, but that’s not a full picture. It doesn’t take into account what’s most likely to happen to you—just you. And it focuses on things. The simple list does not take into account you and all the things that make up your life going forward.
You’ll be prepared. But will it prepare you for your circumstances?
Yet, even if we talk about a list of skills needed to turn you into a human Swiss Army Knife the conversation would fall short. It would be a to do list written by someone else. It would fill someone else’s needs. It may not fulfill our individual needs.
When I was still active in PUA people were constantly clamoring for openers–especially new guys. They were always looking and looking as if there was going to be that magic opener.
I’d often tell them to just pick a few openers and start using them. Instead use that time and energy being spent accumulating openers and start asking why. Ask, “Where is this going?” Ask, “What’s the end goal?”
Stop regurgitating and start thinking. Then create…
Because without answering these questions for ourselves there will never be any direction. There will likely never be a sense of accomplishment. Or better yet, fulfillment and contentment.
Survival can’t stand by itself as the pursuit of endless life. Survival also has to be about a quality of life. Your life, not someone else’s.
The truth is that no one makes it out of this life alive…
Survival must be about the trail you blaze, the things you will see and do along the way, where you do it, and where you end up.
A man I regard as a great thinking in the survival community (it was a private conversation so I can’t say who) told me Urban Survival is an oxymoron. He went on to tell me how much better living in the country was. From there is went on to detail out how survival odds were better there too.
He’s right. If I were simply following I’d stop there. But upon examination of my own life, wants, needs, skills, and end goals he’s wrong. Of course there’s also a difference of opinions about what the future holds.
Survival in a rural environment would simply be an existence for me. Don’t get me wrong. I’d enjoy it. But I would also be stir crazy and lack essential aspects of my existence and crucial pieces for future plans.
So, following blindly I’d simply exist. It wouldn’t be the full scope of my survival.
Sheeple doesn’t just apply to survival–as I alluded to earlier. It applies to all our endeavors. Whether it’s surviving the Zombie Apocalypse or becoming a better man.
If we are simply allowing ourselves to be lead only by quick fixes and simple answers, we’re still Sheeple regardless of the label we adopt.
Read, listen, and consume information. But don’t forget to come up with your own brilliant thoughts and opinions. And then share them…
Yes you.