Survival Bags Defined.
When it comes to survival in any environment, most of us need gear. A human being, naked and without supplies, is just not in a good position for survival
. So, unless you were raised by wolves, you’re probably going to need some stuff to help keep you alive.
And, you’re also going to need a place to put it. So, where does the ever-prepared urban survivalist keep survival gear? In survival bags, of course. And, you’ll be happy to know there’s a bag for nearly every occasion.
The five most popular (i.e. important) survival bags are the Bug Out Bag (BOB), the Go Bag, the Car Bag, the Get Home Bag and the Every Day Carry (EDC) Bag.
Your first question may be Do I need all these bags? Well, that depends on how good you are at surviving. If you’re the lovechild of a Navy Seal and Jane of the jungle, you probably don’t even need pants. But, the rest of us can and should go about life with a little more preparedness.
Bug Out Bag
This has become a handy way to describe all types of survival bags, but an actual BOB contains items essential to surviving an emergency that demands you to “bug out,” or leave home in a hurry, like a gas leak, hurricane or imminent zombie attack.
Go Bag
A Go Bag is a common fixture in the military, law enforcement or emergency medical community, and is used when a person may have to deploy at a moment’s notice. Although it is like the BOB in this way, the Go Bag will contain specific items the responder will need for a particular job once he/she gets to the final destination.
Get Home Bag
The contents of this bag are designed to help get you home, rather than help you survive outside of it, and is usually stored at the office or vacation home. It will contain similar items to the BOB, with the additional items that may help handle unforeseen transportation problems, like extra bus passes or prepaid cell phone.
Car Bag
This bag is kept (surprise!) in your car, and can be considered supplemental to other bags. It contains items similar to what you would find in the Get Home Bag, as well as items that you may require to do light car maintenance. Since it is stowed in your vehicle, its contents (jumper cables, small gas can, etc.) may be heavier or more awkward than what would go into a bag intended for carrying.
Every Day Carry Bag
The Every Day Carry Bag (EDC) is not a “European handbag” – unless it contains survival items. If that’s the case, then you may be holding a very stylish EDC Bag. In other words, the EDC Bag is likely going to be the bag you’re already carrying to school or work with some key items added that will ensure you’re prepared to handle minor emergencies. Things like a lighter, pocket flashlight and a pocketknife are items that are easy to carry and can come in very handy in emergency situations.
In Summary . . .
A survival bag isn’t so much about the bag, but about the bag’s location and what’s in it. This isn’t Fashion Week. A survival
bag is purely about utility – unless being “gray” is a consideration. Over the course of a few weeks I will explain the reasons for having (or not having) a particular bag, as well as an overview of what should go into them.