Become an oak tree


Just as acorns are meant to become oak trees, we’re meant to unfold our fullest potential. When we stagnate or get stuck, we intuitively know something is wrong. We don’t feel much happiness; instead, we feel increasing despair and frustration—aware of our untapped potential, yet feeling trapped and unable to act on it. These harder feelings, though uncomfortable, are actually … Read More

Navigating Family Dynamics During the Holidays


Introduction The festive holiday season is fast approaching, and with it, the promise of cherished family gatherings. However, for many of us, these gatherings can also reignite old emotional wounds and tensions. In this insightful blog post, we will explore strategies to navigate the intricate web of family dynamics during this special time of year, transforming it into an opportunity … Read More

Rewrite A Script


I’ll trust you… And assume you’ve put some thought into your formative experiences surrounding money. If you did, you’ll be well prepared for today’s exercise. Because what we’ll be doing next is rewriting your money script—the mindset and collection of beliefs that you’ve been acting out, which dictate your financial situation. To rewrite a script, you’ll need to have a copy … Read More

Our Inner Voice


I’d like to begin with a relevant thought, which is based on this tweet I posted recently: Our inner voice tends to speak to us like our parents did. For most of us, this retraumatizes rather than supports “If you want to be happier, make sure your inner voice speaks to you like the parents you needed, not necessarily the … Read More

Trust Life’s Process

Richard ArthurWriting

This is Neil’s latest article on dealing with negative states of mind…. No matter what path you choose in life… 
You’re bound to encounter fearful or negative states of mind. Even after years of therapy, and successfully reparenting yourself, they will inevitably pop up.  But, if you want to get rid of fear, doubt, negativity, or tough emotions… 
You may … Read More

Gaining Self-Awareness


This is the latest article from Neil on relationships…. It’s healthy to voice one’s thoughts and feelings, especially after going through these types of experiences. However, my end goal is always to coach people through letting go of toxic emotional attachments, understanding the deeper issues, healing, and moving forward. Because if you can’t change a person or situation, you have … Read More

Reset Your Aim


This is the latest article from Neil on surviving the holidays… I hope everyone was able to use the tools I recently shared to improve your experience and relationships with family. And as we all near the end of 2022…. I hope everyone will be doing some reflection, if you haven’t already, use this powerful time to assess life and … Read More

Running patterns


This is the latest article from Neil on relationships When reconnecting with family for the holidays… Few of us enter with a blank slate, to experience others as they truly are… Over decades, we’ve built up assumptions about them, and how the day or night will go. In effect, instead of relating to each other…   We are relating to … Read More

Writer’s block doesn’t exist…

Richard ArthurWriting

I want to share a takeaway from one of the experiential exercises I designed… Which delivers an important, mind-altering lesson. Not only does it prove writer’s block doesn’t exist… It pulls you into the empty space where great creativity happens. Let me explain… One of the myths in creative work is that you need to begin with some extraordinary idea, or experience… And … Read More

Handle Your Hot Buttons

Richard ArthurWriting

I wanted to add a thought expanding on a previous topic I discussed rest and stress… Because managing that balance has an impact far more than it may seem. In addition to impacting your health and immunity, stress lowers your emotional and psychological capacity.    Your capacity to perform well, to think clearly, and to handle pressure, conflict, and your hot buttons.    When … Read More