Movie of the Week: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Neil StraussThe Loop

If you’re among the 25 percent or so of Inner Circle readers who’ve seen this movie, then you can skip today’s post. You know.

As for the rest of you, there may be a reason why you’ve been avoiding watching The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Perhaps you saw a bad western that turned you off the genre. Or maybe the theme song has become so clichéd that you think the movie itself is a cliché.

But The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is not just the greatest western ever made, it’s one of the greatest movies ever made.

In fact, I’m loathe to show any clips from it, because you should watch the whole thing. I’d post the trailer instead, but it does no justice to Sergio Leone’s work.

Just set an evening aside and watch it on DVD on a nice-sized TV with a good sound system, not as a crappy streaming file on YouTube through shitty Mac speakers or something. Because it’s epic. And one of the best integrations of score and cinematography in movie history.

Just know that there are two kinds of people…

…those who have watched this movie and those who need to.

You need to.