What is The Society?

Society members are high performing industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers from the technological, entertainment, medical, financial, and self-development worlds, among others.

The group shares resources, industry secrets, sets goals, and holds each other accountable to achieving those goals.

And they combine their diverse backgrounds to work together in an atmosphere of trust, friendship, and support.

Put simply, it’s a group of motivated leaders helping each other reach their goals, and then challenging each other to set even more ambitious goals, achieve them, and have a lot of fun and adventure along the way.


Do you think this is something that’s right for you? Then apply below.

In just a short period of time, we:

  • Travelled to North Korea. Yes. North Korea.
  • Ran a marathon in Antartica.
  • Went to The Kingdom of Lo in Asia to meet with the Tibetan King.
  • Met with dozens of world-class experts, from bestselling authors like Tim Ferriss, David Deida, and Robert Greene, to some of the incredible characters from my next book, to a special agent who taught us some serious Jason Bourne skills.
  • Received personal makeovers from top Hollywood fashion stylists, vocal training from the world’s leading voice coach, and in-depth work on posture, performing, and just looking and feeling awesome.
  • Parachuted with the Golden Knights.
  • Underwent an intensive therapeutic process from my next book that was the equivalent of two years of therapy in 4 days – and become stronger and wiser in the process.
  • And most gratifying, there is not a single guy in the group who has not made a powerful personal transformation and/or exponentionally grown their career and/or had a complete lifestyle shift.

Everyone in The Society believes so strongly in the importance of a code of ethics, service, respect, and honor that every member signs a code of honor agreeing to abide by these and other principles.

In Their Words . . .

“In The Society, your life can change in ten minutes”Adam T.
Oversees Renewable Energy Projects
For one of America's largest cities
“I don’t think I could receive this type of training and this type of content anywhere else for any dollar amount… and I’ve looked.”Brad H.
Angel Investor
“What I’ve gotten out of The Society is more than doubling my salary… I’ve come from a place of being very good at what I do to becoming much better, if not one of the best.”Daniel G.
Leading Australian Entrepreneur
“Some of this stuff you might be able to get in books, but a lot of it is like ‘Black Ops’.”David B.
Self-Improvement Guru

Membership Benefits Include . . .

  • Four intimate weekend intensives per year with Neil and other life-changing coaches and mentors.
  • Distance learning sessions for those who can’t attend each intensive.
  • Access to our video archive of past intensives.
  • One-on-One coaching and support with Neil and other Society Mentors (many of which are household names).
  • Email and phone access to your own personal deep inner game counselor.
  • Regular Office Hours to blast through any sticking point with Neil.
  • Intimate networking with 99 of the world’s industry leaders in tech, finance, music, medicine, and entertainment.
  • A supervised personal development plan.
  • Game transformation curriculum: Physical makeover, body language analysis, charisma enhancement, and development of your own personal social style, whether for dating, persuasion, or high-level networking.
  • Focus on high-level career and business growth; developing and living your ideal life.
  • Neutralize limiting beliefs with focus on transforming deep inner game, capabilities, beliefs, and identity.
  • Access to Neil’s personal network and exclusive events like the Grammys, Paris Fashion Week, and the Oscars.

Member Accomplishments . . .

“After joining the Society, not only did I start my own tech company, but I was able to get invited to the Prime Minister of England’s house to discuss flood relief efforts in the U.K.”R. A.
Tech Entrepreneur
“Sold a .com to one of the 5 fastest growing companies in the world, raised $50,000 at a fundraising gala, and built 5 e-learning schools in Africa.”D. S.
“I started a protein company with an entrepreneur I met in the group, and I now perform classical music in major concert halls all over the country.”J. T.
Symphony Violist
“My business has contracted agreement with two 10-billion dollar organizations. We’ve successfully raised $500,000… Plus, I’m no longer attached to my oneitis.”A. S.
Head of Business Development
“Started a private business that results in being paid to take beautiful women to clubs. Business has been featured in Urban Daddy, The Sovereign Man, Amazon, NY Magazine, Stereogum and many other websites and publications.”E. W.
Business Owner & Entrepreneur
“I’ve been cast in a reality TV show about successful entrepreneurs under the age of 30.”Name Withheld
Occupation Withheld
“Created my latest huge (and successful) art installation.”C. K.
Acclaimed Visual Artist

Will You Be Our Next Success Story?